Page 43 - Journagan Ranch Genetically Yours 33rd Anniversary Sale
P. 43
Terms and Conditions
Sale Date and Time: Saturday, October 5, 2024 11:00 a.m.
Ranch Manager: Marty Lueck, Rt 1 Box 85G, Mountain Grove, Mo 65711
Phone: 417-948-2669 Cell Phone: 417-838-1482
Location: The sale site is located in Springfield, Mo. at the Darr
Agriculture Center Complex and Bond Building ballroom, MSU Campus,
2401 S Kansas Expressway. From James River Expressway 2.3 miles Dear Friends,
North on Kansas Expressway. From 13 Hwy and I-44 intersection go 5
miles South on Kansas Expressway. Welcome to “Genetically Yours 33rd Anniversary Sale”. Recently
I had the opportunity to spend the day going through this year’s sale
Sale Day Phone: Marty cell 417-838-1482--Jim cell 417-860-3102 offering with Marty. What an exceptional offering!
Terms: Visa and Mastercard accepted with no surcharge. Also Cash or
check. The cowherd is built on sound predictable genetics for many years.
This cowherd is consistent in production values. A cow produces a
Registration Certificates: Certificates of registration are all in order. It is marketable calf or she is gone, no excuses.
the buyers responsibility to give the clerks the correct name and address
for transferring the purchased animals as the certificates will be mailed The bulls are big, stout bulls ready for service. They are hard and will
from the American Hereford Association to the purchaser. Please have not melt away. The calves are exceptional. Several herd bull pros-
your BREEDER NUMBER with you. pects are among them. I was extremely impressed with this group.
EPD’s: The EPDs given are the most current available at print time. The cows and calves are the best group that has been offered in recent
We cannot guarantee their accuracy. years. They include seveeral Dams of Distinction. In the pedigrees of
many of the cows you will find several Dams of Distinction backing
Liability: Each animal will be at the buyer’s risk as soon as sold, but will them up. The bred heifers are made up of the genetics that are respon-
be cared for, for a reasonable length of time. Normal precautions will be sible for the outstanding cowherd at Journagan Ranch.
taken for the welfare of the cattle sold.
As always the fall calving cows will be a highlight. They are young,
Guarantee: The cattle sell with guarantee of genetic soundness as of Oct productive and will certainly be cows that return a profit each year.
5, 2024. Animals sold in this sale are guaranteed by the owners, provided Many of them will have calves by the very popular AW Statesman
they are PROPERLY cared for and handled by the new owners. 038H. His calves are outstanding.
Health: Proper health papers will be available. All cattle are vaccinated A special offering this year will be a strong group of commercial bred
and ready to work for you. heifers. They come from many generations of commercial cows all
raised on Journagan Ranch. A very impressive group. There will be
AI Certificate: Any female that is mated to an AI sire that is not owned five fall calving commercial heifers that will calve by sale time. This
by Journagan Ranch will not have an AI certificate furnished. group is as good as you will find.
Insurance: Insurance will be available. Please see the sale cashier for Saturday October 5 will give you the opportunity to purchase tried
your insurance needs. and proven genetics, developed on fescue in the rugged Ozark hills
of South Missouri. The Journagan Ranch program always ranks in
Lunch: Lunch will be available sale day. the top herds in Dams of Distinction in the United States. This is
certainly an indication of the predictability in the genetics represented
Bids: The auctioneer in charge will have final say in regard to all final in the offering.
bids. We hope everyone can attend, but those who cannot may mail or call
bids to Midwest Cattle Service or any of the representatives. Marty has been a leader for many years in the Hereford breed and
has built the Journagan Ranch program over the past forty plus years.
Air Travel: The airport in Springfield is served by several major airlines. Many herds have used genetics from the Journagan Ranch program to
Please notify us in advance if you will need transportation from the start or enhance their herds.
This will be a power packed offering of Polled Hereford cattle. Be
Accommodations: Quality Inn & Suites Chesterfield Village, Springfield, sure to make plans now to attend this exciting event.
Mo Ph 417-888-0898. Address: 3930 South Overland, Springfield, MO
65807 We will again have the Junior Futurity with the cattle presented at the
Other motels: Comfort Suites Ph. 417-887-8500; many other motels in the Darr Center on Friday evening prior to the sale. It will be followed by
Springfield area. a hamburger cookout and social.
Catalog Material: Statements made from the auction box take precedence I encourage each of you to be with us Saturday, October 5 at 11 a.m.
over material printed in this catalog. for the 33rd annual sale. It is a pleasure for Linda and I to be a part of
the 33rd sale. If you desire assistance in any way, please feel free to
Midwest Cattle Service,Inc.: As sale manager, Midwest Cattle Service, give us a call.
Inc. acts only as agents for the sellers and have no responsibilities other
than those involved in conduction of the sale. Sincerely,
All Range Ready Bulls will have a breeding soundness exam and a semen
evualation and will be tested for Trich 30 days prior to the sale.
All bulls are virgin bulls. All have Genomic Enhanced EPD’s.